Lambton Kent Elementary Occasional Teachers

Change to Transition for Lambton Kent into the ETFO ELHT Benefits Plan - New Date is June 1 (Wave 4)
As you know, all ETFO locals will be transitioned into the ETFO ELHT Benefits Plan on a staggered basis over the 2016-2017 school year. In accordance with the central agreements, all locals will be transitioned into the plan no later than August 31, 2017.
The third wave of local transitions into the ETFO ELHT Benefits Plan is scheduled for April 1, 2017. As was communicated to Lambton Kent members in January, it was the intention to have eligible Lambton Kent ETFO members transition into the plan during this first wave. However, the Lambton Kent District School Board did not meet the deadlines to submit their required Human Resources Information System (HRIS) data to OTIP in order to transition into the ETFO ELHT in Wave 3. This will mean that eligible Lambton Kent ETFO members will transition in Wave 4, scheduled for June 1, 2017.
Please note that ETFO is filing a central grievance around the Board's failure to provide the required data by the required deadlines.
Eligible active members in the fourth wave will be contacted in May 2017 with additional information, including enrolment instructions, leading up to the transition. Details about the plan design and coverage, as well as frequently asked questions, are available on the ETFO website. Links and instructions are included below.
Until your local transitions into the ETFO ELHT Benefits Plan, your benefits will continue to be provided in accordance with your existing collective agreement. As a result, there should be no change to your local benefits plan until June 1, 2017 when it is anticipated that your local will be transitioned into the new ETFO ELHT Benefits Plan.
If you have questions about this change or have general questions about the ETFO ELHT, please contact ETFO at ETFO-ELHT@etfo.org or 416-962-3836 (toll free 1-888-838-3836).